Micah and Christine

plus three
July 24, 2013 by Micah
We spent a couple days in St. Louis.
First, we tried out Thomas in the old stroller. Back in the day, we took Charlotte to the NC zoo when she was 5 months old. Here's the two kids in the same stroller at about the same age.

Charlotte and Thomas

Christine was very excited to go to this City Museum place. The reviews she read said to expect 'climbing like you've never seen in your life'. The climbing was pretty incredible. There were caves on top of caves with tiny passages leading between the levels. These passages sometimes became tunnels made out of rebar that stretched out over empty air, and this terrified Charlotte. All the climbing was so exciting that we didn't take any pictures.

We took a break from climbing to look at turtles and go to the toddler place for Thomas. You can see some of the crazy climbing as Charlotte climbs into the ceiling of the toddler play zone.
Before going to lunch, Charlotte rode on a little train. You can actually climb into the middle section that the train goes around, but we didn't get a chance.

We got food at the museum restaurant; it was all pretty good for museum food. For dessert we tried some mini donuts. The donuts were fine, but Charlotte decided they were too messy!

After lunch, we looked at the boring (non-climbing) parts of the museum: insects, animals, and architecture. Then we did some crafts. Then, we went back to do some final climbing and cave exploration!

After a very full afternoon, we went to our hotel to take a break, before eating dinner at Square One Brewery.

And finally, before bed, we did the thing Charlotte had been waiting all day for: swimming!


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