Micah and Christine

plus three
December 21, 2012 by Christine
Today began with several chores that had to be done for the house, but not done at the house. Specifically I finalized some carpet things for our casa. All of that went well, and then Charlotte and I got to meet Daddy for lunch at his work!

Unfortunately, the afternoon did not go quite as smoothly. Charlotte seemed really tuckered out, and SHE suggested a nap. Whoa. I happily let her cuddle up in the living room.

My Dad came over in the afternoon and we started in on the dining room wallpaper.

The late eighties called...

And, this wallpaper was a nightmare. It appears that we have very stubborn wallpaper, on top of a layer of paint, on top of another layer of wallpaper that leaves behind its backing, on top of some sort of plywood-ish surface. Booooo.....

Our whole family ended the day emotionally and physically exhausted. So, it looks like we're going to take the day off tomorrow. This is just too much stress. Back to the grind Sunday I guess!

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