Micah and Christine

plus three
August 30, 2011 by Christine
Phew. Yep, I know. I used to post more than twice a week, but this month I've only managed twice the entire month! What a slacker!

Or maybe the opposite of a slacker. I've been working really really hard. We all have. I'm happy to report that much of what has been going has been good stuff- happy stuff. But that doesn't make our lives any less busy. On my little introduction page I said something about the work-life balance. Well, I've barely been able to maintain that balance, and something had to give. This time I chose to excel in my student-life and try very hard to be a good wife, mommy, and home-maker. So the blog was put waaaaaayyyy down on the priority list.

All of those excuses aside, here is a little of what we've been up to the last month!

Dr. Anish
Our friend Anish defended his dissertation and is now officially a PhD. Hooray! This is such a great thing. Of course we are very happy for our friend. It also gives hope to the rest of us. Yes! There is an end in sight! We will not be PhD students forever!

Charlotte is big and cute
We love that kid like crazy. Her personality is developing more and more... and we are just so pleased to get to know her. There are certainly challenges associated with having a toddler in the house, but she is so worth it.

Now that Anish has graduated he wanted to furnish a brand new apartment. We were happy to tag along on a trip to Ikea, and even picked up a few things for ourselves. So we've been putting together a lot of Ikea furniture lately.

This is a very fuzzy picture of the Woodwright! At our favorite soda shop in downtown Pittsboro! I wanted to get his autograph, but decided that would be too dorky. 

Back to school
Charlotte, eating a frozen confection from an ice cream truck. Can you guess what animated character that is? I'm a little nervous about how gruesome that 'explorer' looks!

Micah and I are now back to school. That has been one of the big sources of our busy-ness. I did a big professional development session right before school started, and now Micah is working on teaching his first class. I guess that since we have both chosen academic careers we will always feel these waves of work associated with school starting.

So things are good, just busy. Hopefully I can keep up with the blog a little better in the coming weeks. I know better than to make promises, though!

Hey Guys - Just saw that post about the Woodwright and had to show it to David. He used to love watching that show! How cool that you got to see him.
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